Blog v Wiki

Technology has become deeply embedded in our daily lives. We stay connected with one another through different social media platforms. It has become an immediate reaction for us to turn to social media in times of stress, happiness, sadness and when we are eager to learn more about what is going on in the outside world. Blogs and Wikis are some tools that we use to learn, teach, and support others.
                A blog is the creator’s personal online diary/journal. It can be about food, fashion, music, fitness, sports, travel, professionalism, entrepreneurship, and so on. The creator opens it up to the public to read and comment. The content that the creator produces is completely up to their own discretion and can be updated whenever s/he wants it to be. The posts are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent posts on top. Aside from standard blogs, there are also live blogs. In the article, “The Live Blog: A Fast Way to Report Breaking News,” Ingber talks about how live blogs work best with breaking news. There were mass attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015. Gunmen and suicide bombers attacked multiple areas including restaurants, bars, a concert hall, and a stadium. With news this big, the best way to cover the news is to run a live blog. Readers can follow the story and get the latest information as all the bloggers are working on gathering information from multiple sources.
Personally, I like to follow travel and music blogs. One travel blog that I follow is Drew Binsky’s travel blog. I have been to a few places in the past and before I commit to any plans, I do a lot of research to gauge people’s review. Binsky does a good job of reviewing the places he has been to. He also has videos that capture live travels. As for music blogs, I follow to stay on top of trending music and news on my favorite artists.
                A wiki is a collaborative creation. Everyone has the ability to edit and save their own piece to a wiki. Wikis are not 100% accurate. Wikipedia, for example, is one of the top sites that many people use. We are taught to not trust the information 100%, but to use it as general information. According to an article by Rob Matheson, MIT researchers are creating a system that can automatically update the factual inconsistencies in Wikipedia articles. This will be useful for future users because Wikipedia can slowly become a more trusted source. The main difference between a blog and a wiki is that a blog is more personal than a wiki. A blog is also independent vs a wiki which is a group effort. There are cases where a blog can be used for collaboration depending on the content that it is based on.
                I would like to see a travel wiki. People will be able to add their experiences to a page. This can include restaurants that they have been to, concerts attended, places visited, food that was available, the culture and so on. Other people can then come and read the wiki to give it a fact-check. They can either edit the information already provided or add it onto the list of experiences. Many people are able to share their stories this way.  

Works Cited
Ingber, Hanna. “The Live Blog: A Fast Way to Report Breaking News.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 24 Nov. 2015,
Matheson, Rob. “Automated system can rewrite outdated sentences in Wikipedia articles.” MIT News, 12, Feb. 2020,


  1. The idea of factual inconsistence testing idea for wikipedia will be really helpful to know about the real information . I hope by that system there will be no half truth information in the wiki.

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