Blog: Advice

If I was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College, there would be several things I would like to change. Baruch College has been using their social media platforms to advertise the school, but I would like to see more social media presence. Baruch College is full of clubs/organizations that can benefit from increased social media presence. Increased awareness serves as a marketing technique for the clubs/organizations and the school itself. With more awareness, many more people will be drawn to the school and might find an incentive to join the campus clubs/organizations. Another way Baruch College can benefit from new media is having open alumni to public connections. The school can create social media profiles specifically dedicated to Alumni. On these platforms, incoming students, current students, and high school students thinking about attending Baruch will be able to ask all sorts of questions. Positive alumni relations will encourage graduating students to be a part of something great. My final recommendation for Baruch College is to have online lectures posted on social media platforms like YouTube. Especially in uncertain times with COVID-19, it would be a good way for teachers to share their content with not only their students but also other students from other schools. I find it great that teachers have been using Zoom to hold online lectures. This goes to show that with proper use of social media platforms, they can adapt to situations like this.


  1. I liked your idea about promoting Baruch’s clubs on social media. A lot of people complain about Baruch being a commuter campus because they’re not involved. This will definitely help current and incoming students!


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